Supporting Venezuela through the Power of Design.

Welcome to Libera, a design studio for societal betterment. We contribute to building a more beautiful, just, and nurturing nation one design project at a time.

Our Impact

Sociedad Amigos del Hospital de Especialidades Pediátricas de Maracaibo

Our first project engagement was all about propelling our friends' child healthcare initiative. Take a look and get inspired to be a part of our community.

Work With Us

We are Eager to Work Alongside Your Team

Apply to work with us to promote your initiative.

Good News

Venezuelan Coffee is causing a sensation for its flavor and yield.

Our Vision

Moving the Way Forward

We provide equitable design solutions for those who need it the most

Good News

Good News for 2024

Join Us

Join Our Community of Designers and Creators

Let's design together the Venezuela we wish to see rising.

Our Initiatives

The Graphic Design Library Project

We pledge for educating our communities in the Graphic Design practice. Join us in this new project to establish a Spanish design library for our communities.

Listen to the Songs that We Have on Repeat

Our Impact


A sustainable design project that elevates the Venezuelan chocolate experience one bar at a time.

Our Thoughts

All the latest news, ideas, updates, and musings from our friends at Libera

Inspired By 

Paola Rosales

Pintando de colores la ciudad de Maracaibo

Our Initiatives

Venezuelans Who Design

Calling all Venezuelan designers to connect in the first Venezuelan's Who Design Index. Join the community today!

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Our Impact Unfold

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Subscribe to Witness Our Impact Unfold.

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